Collège Entreprises innovantes

Damavan Imaging

Damavan Imaging brings to the market a new technology for imaging ionizing radiation: Temporal Imaging.

Caméra Compton Spectromètres Imageurs de rayons y / Détecteurs de rayons y


Damavan Imaging was founded in December 2014in Troyes (F) as a SAS (Société par Action – Simplified joint stock company).

In July 2015, Damavan has won a 4 years research grant from « Investissements d’avenir »: (Investments for the Future Programme conducted by ANDRA), “Temporal” to develop a Compton camera based on temporal imagers.

In October 2016 Damavan issued the first temporal imager based ion digital Si-PM: temporal Delta.

Damavan is developing 2 types of products to exploit its 6 patents:

  • > A Compton camera based on 2 scintillator plates 32×32 mm (CeBr3)
  • > Prototype Positron Emission imaging modules 32×32 mm LYSO or CeBr3 (2 to 4 modules)


Alain Iltis


Année de création : 2014

Prix : Prix Coup de coeur, Concours IDboite

Contacter l'organisme

2 Rue Gustave Eiffel
10430 Rosières-prés-Troyes, France

03 25 49 00 47

contact@damavan_imaging. om